Official Implementation of the Marriage Equality Act
Bangkok, January 23, 2025 – Today marks a historic milestone in Thailand and echoes throughout the world as the Act Amending the Civil and Commercial Code (No. 24) B.E. 2567 officially comes into force. This landmark legislation, known as the Marriage Equality Act, significantly expands the rights and legal recognition of individuals who previously had [...]
Training on the authentication of counterfeit products on August 2024
RWT, as the Official Partner to REACT, the global anti-counterfeiting network, were honored to recently collaborate and host the Annual Authentication of Counterfeit Products 2024 for Law Enforcement Authorities in Anti-Counterfeiting Efforts in Thailand. This interactive training and workshop held on August 22th, 2024, offered specific insights from Brand Representatives with active and attendance from multiple areas [...]
Customs Seizure and Intellectual Property Enforcement: A Collaborative Effort in Thailand
This past month, Brand Enforcement Representatives from both RWT International Law Offices and The Kering Group were cordially invited to a special meeting with Mr. Theeraj Athanavanich (Director-General of The Thai Customs Department), Mr. Vorapat Jaovisidha (Director of Thai Customs Enforcement Division) as well as Ms. Pannaratana Phaholvech (Unit chief, Section 3, Enforcement Division) to [...]
Training on the authentication of counterfeit products on June 2024
RWT International Law Office, working in conjunction with REACT, the global anti-counterfeiting network, were honored to recently host the Authentication Of Counterfeit Products 2024 for Law Enforcement Authorities in Anti-Counterfeiting Efforts in Thailand. This interactive training on June 20th, 2024, offered specific focus and participation from multiple areas of law enforcement in attendance throughout Thailand. [...]
RWT is honored to announce our upcoming 8th Anniversary of our Firm
RWT is honored to announce our upcoming 8th Anniversary of our Firm. As always, we would like to thank all of our amazing staffs and diverse leadership who have been essential to guiding our growth over the past 8 years. We are especially grateful to all our clients for your continued trust and collaboration with [...]
The Thai Government announces June 1st start of stricter banking regulations for new accounts.
The Minister of Digital Economy and Society Prasert Jantararuangtong reported that these regulations, set to be implemented by June 1, require all banks to rigorously apply the “Customer Due Diligence (CDD)” approach, mandating thorough scrutiny of potential account holders and the purposes for which they intend to use their accounts. As per this announcement and [...]
Thailand is set to become the first country in Southeast Asia to pass a same-sex marriage bill.
On March 27, 2024, this same-sex marriage bill was introduced previously by the Prime Minister at the recent DEI event earlier this month. The bill was then submitted to the House of Representatives which was then passed by a an overwhelmingly vote of 400 to 10, further revealing the Cultural Mindset of all Thais in [...]
RWT and React host a series of Authentication and Anti-Counterfeiting Trainings for Thai Law Enforcement Agencies in July 2023
Over this past week, RWT, along with our clients and React members joined together in collaboration for organizing and the implementation of these interactive training sessions. Specifically designed to provide IP Law Enforcement Agencies with educational updates in a group setting as well as actively listen to feedback and participate in discussions on what specific [...]
RWT Team assists in seizure of thousands of counterfeit Sports Jerseys
The IP Enforcement Division of RWT, in conjunction with the Suppression Division of Intellectual Property Violations under The Royal Thai Police as well as our client, conducted a raid action on the 16th of December 2020 for the successful apprehension, identification, an seizure of thousands of counterfeit Sports Jerseys, Football Club Jackets, Accessories as well [...]