Trademark Registration
As a whole, the Trademark system around the world can be quite confusing for clients who are in need of this specialized service. In Thailand, Trademarks, Collective marks, Certification marks, and Service marks may be registered in the Kingdom of Thailand. Marks may include three-dimensional designs, photographs, paintings, devices, designs, words, letters, numerals, phrases, shapes/formation of goods, and exclusively unique color combinations.
Also, of particular importance in Thailand is the 45 different classes of goods and services which can confuse those without the proficiency in this specific area of Thai Law. With our experienced team of Attorneys and paralegals at RWT, we can offer the guidance as well as the direction your company should take to protect itself. If a trademark is proposed for more than one class, a separate application is needed and required by law for each class.
RWT provides a trademark registration system which offers our clients both the legal protection against counterfeiting and infringement and the acceleration of the enforcement of our client’s rights pursuant to Thai law in the Kingdom of Thailand. By using RWT and the trademark registration system, you are protecting your product or service from the ever-resourceful criminals who will take your intellectual property or design for their own manipulation.
Our Experience
RWT has been a proactive force in the IP and trademark community since its foundation and is one of the Pillars of our business. By having assisted both foreign and local companies with trademark registration in the past, our experienced team of Attorneys and support staff at RWT bring the years of practical and hands-on experience which benefits them to focus solely on Thailand trademark procedures and trademark law. Our Trademark division brings with it years of cross-cultural experience providing trademark and inter-related services in the Kingdom of Thailand.
RWT Trademark division also focuses on related services such as trademark search services, legal opinions, appeals, renewal, objections, trademark watching, licensing agreements, and enforcement services including Trademark Enforcement in Thailand.
RWT Intellectual Property and Trademark Division can also assist on all matters dealing with Copyrights, Patents, and FDA registration as well as all of your Corporate and Commercial needs. Our goal at RWT is to provide our clients with Corporate and Legal services that are both cost-efficient and effective while also going above and beyond in terms of client satisfaction.