This past month, Brand Enforcement Representatives from both RWT International Law Offices and The Kering Group were cordially invited to a special meeting with Mr. Theeraj Athanavanich (Director-General of The Thai Customs Department), Mr. Vorapat Jaovisidha (Director of Thai Customs Enforcement Division) as well as Ms. Pannaratana Phaholvech (Unit chief, Section 3, Enforcement Division) to discuss recent trends in the Customs Seizure Process as well as the volume of goods being detained as well as the details of the Inspection Procedures here in Thailand.

Following the increase of imports in the first six months of 2024, The Director-General along with Directors of Customs Enforcement Divisions who are directly involved in these specific areas spoke in greater detail regarding areas for further suppression as well as the ongoing efforts between the Customs Department and Brand Representatives.

This unique opportunity provided those in attendance to not only meet with Luxury Brands such as those listed under the Kering Group but also provided key insights into brands who are also represented under the brand protection portfolio of RWT as the Official Partner in Thailand of REACT, the leading International Anti-Counterfeiting Network.


We appreciate the dedication and commitment to all those who attended this event and discussion as Customs Officials implement further strategic measures to enforce the Intellectual Property rights of Brand Owners.