From his accession to the throne of Thailand at only 19 years old, His Majesty King BhumibolAduljadej proclaimed his dedication to rule with righteousness and above all to focus on the betterment of all the people of Thailand. For over half a century, His Majesty has devoted himself to make these benefits a reality for his people. His incredible dedication and compassion to his people truly makes him unique among Monarchs.

With exceptional insight, intelligence and compassion, His Majesty has used his natural gifts and intelligence in scientific matters to create inventions to the benefit of his people. The Royal Project is one of the more popular examples because as a development project it brought not only tangible results, but long-lasting innovations for the future of Thailand.

His Majesty was just as focused on protecting those Inventors and creative thinkers by his positive role in Intellectual Property rights as well as Trademark and Copyright registration.

His Majesty the King used his foresight and creativity to develop multiple inventions which were innovative and  showed his remarkable talent and ability to understand scientific technology. With his inventions, he has given all Thais and especially those less fortunate a better standard of  living.

All of His Majesty’s inventions have been registered including over 20 patents and 19 trademarks. His outstanding work with The Royal Projects are still providing Thai people with a better future for themselves and their children. From cloud seeding to water oxidation, His Majesty influenced many areas of Science and Technology while also creating new laws to protect those people who use their creative ideas for the betterment of the Thai people. Even though His Majesty the King passed away, his passion for scientific discovery and progress in protecting technology and inventions though Intellectual Property Laws are still so beneficial to his people.


The Royal rain project

His Majesty the King is often remembered for his     pioneering work in the seeding and rainmaking process. Since 1971, the techniques used by his Majesty have brought life-saving relief to farmersand to increase water reservoirs, earning international patents along   the way. This proactive measure              piqued the interest of many foreign nations.

The moisture retention DM project was designed to maximize the use of Thailand’s annual monsoon rains. His Majesty had previously promoted a system of small check dams which regulate the flow of irrigation water and the creation of multiple small reservoirs which directly benefits farmers at a local level and also replenishes groundwater supplies for future use.


In 1993, His Majesty the King was the first monarch granted a patent for the Chaipattana low-speed aerator, model RX-2 is indeed a world-class invention and was part of their 20+ patents and 19trademarks registered by his Majesty who is also an outstanding artist with a portfolio of more than 1000 works including paintings,photos,music, and literary works.

The Aerator is a machine with a paddle wheel built similar to a floating buoy that helps addoxygen tothe water. Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property     granted the patent to His Majesty on February 1993 marking the first time a reigning monarch was given such. The day was later turned into “Inventors Day”    encouraging continued intellectual progress.

His Majestyhad another model patented called the RX-5 in 2001. This invention was highly beneficial toproviding cleaner and healthier water in both polluted areas and those affected by industrial waste. His Majesty used his forward thinking approach with this invention as well as watertreatment around the world. His important contributions to the Energy sector led to His Majesty

launching the  production of bio-diesel as a way to reduce dependence on the use of energy imported from outside The Kingdom. His formula for Bio-fuel which was patented in October of 2002, during a critical time of rising fuel costs. The benefit of this patent helped all Thai people.

His Majesty also invented a computer program for Devanagari characters or “PasaKhaek”.  The King also felt deeply about the environment creating a garbage eradicator that re-purposed the waste for use in construction and gas that can be turned into electricity. The Mist Collector was created to support the reforestation efforts and regional water issues.

The fact that His Majesty holds a patent for an important invention provides an outstanding                example to the Thai people. Thai Inventors of all ages can be inspired to create and know that           their inventions will be protected under Thai law. Being a strong advocate for Intellectual property rights, His Majesty once said: “Intellectual property has existed for a long time. Patents and Copyrights are very important intellectual property rights. In 1957, it was said that the imitation of foreign items would provide greater benefits than registration of patents, since we could make use of foreign inventions without paying for patents. Such a saying is wrong and an insult to the Thai people.”

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) also recognized His Majesty and the many contributions he made in this field. They highlighted his role as an inventor, innovator and also as an active proponent of Intellectual Property as a tool of development for his country and also the international community. As a result, the WIPO presented its first-ever Global Leaders Award to His Majesty The King in 2009