On Thursday 13th June 2019 at 1 p.m., Dr. Tares Krassanairawiwong, the Secretary-General of Food and Drug Administration together with Dr. Surachoke Tangwiwat, Ms Supattra Boonserm, the Deputy Secretary-Generals of Food and Drug Administration with collaboration of the Department of Health Service Support (SorBorSor) led by Dr. Arkom Praditsuwan, Vice President of Department of Health Service Support and DSI led by Pol.Col. Paisit Wongmuang, Director-General Office of the new director-general of the Department of Special Investigation, Mr. Montol Kaewkaw, Deputy-Director- General Office of the Deputy Director-General, Pol.Maj. Jatupol Bongkochmas, Director Bureau of Special Operation, Pol.Lt.Col. Phayao Thongsen, Director Bureau of Intellectual Property Crime, and Pol.Lt.Col. Niruth Pattanarat, Deputy Director Bureau of Intellectual Property Crime, have jointly announced the raids on the importation and distribution of counterfeit beauty products by various companies in 12 separate areas of Bangkok.
According to DIP, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) began an intense investigation of consumer beauty products being smuggled into the Kingdom of Thailand thru an advanced network and the smugglers illicitly distributing and selling the products thru online sources without the required licenses as well. Many popular beauty products, such as Botox and Restylane Fillers, were being sold under the counterfeit trademarks with the unregistered drugs being sold to various customers such as aesthetic clinics throughout Bangkok. These would also include purchases by the customer directly providing the person(s) access to illegal Botox and filler injections throughout the country. The smugglers in the trafficking network often distribute the illegal products to the customers via the private post or thru private delivery services. With access to online platforms and social media, applications like Instagram and Facebook were used by the smuggler with products including Restylane, Botox, Glutathione, Stem Cell, Placenta, Lipo-reduction drugs and more which were stored in various locations of rental properties in Bangkok.
On 12th June 2019, DSI, in cooperation of the FDA and several enforcement bureaus, focused on (12) suspected targets holding stock of various counterfeit product lines. With representatives of the aggrieved parties were asked to accompany DSI with the search warrant to help identify counterfeit products on each of the premises.
After the synchronized raid action of all (12) locations, counterfeit drugs totaling over 400,000 individual beauty products totaling THB 80 Million were seized during the raids. With more products still needing to be recorded, that amount may rise over the coming weeks. The counterfeit suppliers face violations of laws such as the Medicine Act B.E. 2510 (1967), the Cosmetic Act B.E.2535 (1992), the Trademark Act B.E.2534 (1991), and Customs Act B.E. 2560 (2017).
“Suppression of Intellectual Property Violations is the significant policy of the Government and DSI together with the involved bureaus have paid close attention to such wrongdoing. Cases such as these highlight the detrimental impact to public health and the indirect effect to the economic system in Thailand. As Thailand continues to be on the American(USTR) Watch List under Special 301 Report, these high level raids continue to thwart those who try to undermine the marketplace. Thus, DSI aims to remove Thailand from the mentioned Watch List and that is why DSI is more than ready to take the legal actions against the criminals. In addition, DSI is willing to cooperate with other private and public bodies in order to suppress the intellectual property infringement in Thailand.” said by Pol.Col. Paisit Wongmuang, the Director-General of DSI.