Tiwat Utakrit


T +66 2 261 2850
F +66 2 261 2851
E tiwat.u@rwtlaw.co.th

Professional Experience

As a Associate at RWT, Tiwat supports the Software LC team assisting in the intricacies of contract negotiation and administration in intellectual property licensing agreements. This attention to detail and ever-expanding knowledge in the field provides RWT with a well-rounded team member.

As Tiwat has continued his growth in our LC division, his familiarity with numerous types of Software licensing rights and responsibilities in ascertaining evidence in a clear and concise manner has increased. When uncovering which rights may have already been in violation, Tiwat then begins the process of documentation and fact checking of the evidence while also the contract itself.

Tiwat is also an active member of our team during contract negotiations and continues in a vital role of that process. As a part of the settlement team, Tiwat will gather information about the infringed parties and review similar contracts to help establish common ground rules. They are often involved with assisting the Attorneys in drafting the updated contractual negotiations

Professional Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Survey Engineering and Geographic Information) Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • LLB, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand

Scope of work

  • License Compliance
  • Trademark/Copyright

Languages other than Thai
